Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Daughter/Myself

For weeks now I've curiously watched Mommy and Daddy Wren build their nest.

The hanging basket of impatiens that my daughters gave me for Mother's Day on our front porch was their choice for the perfect location to raise their little family.

Day in and day out, I curiously watch as they attend to their nest, waiting for the birth of their babies.

Several days ago, my daughter, (who, I am lately realizing is very much my twin), seemed to be getting just as curious and appeared as though she could contain it no longer. She was ready to satisfy her curiosity and take a look inside. I cautioned her not to bother the nest, as the babies needed time to hatch and maybe we shouldn't make the parents nervous.

Yesterday, as I was busy about daily chores, I thought I heard little peeps crying out to Mommy and Daddy Wren. Although I was still concerned about disturbing the nest, like my daughter, my curiosity was quickly outweighing my worry.

Well, today, my daughter's curiosity finally got the best of her. As I heard the chair scrape across the porch headed for the potted plant, I quickly 'ran' for the front door. Before I could put my hand on the door knob, I heard a loud 'crash'.

I opened the door, and to my horror, I saw clumps of nest, and newborn baby birds laying at my daughters feet. I immediately panicked and began to cry.

If you have been following this journal, you know that it is in response to my Bible Study Leader's challenge to journal for 30 days, the ways in which the Lord speaks to me.

How would you react to this situation? Better yet.. how would Christ want you to react?

Scenario A)

"Oh no!!! Why can't you just listen to me? I told you not to bother the nest and you just can't listen to me! When are you going to listen to me??? You NEVER listen!" {Mom storms off to her room hysterically crying and angry. Chances are, she will stew over it all day.. maybe more than one day.. give her daughter major guilt trips and bury it deep enough to firmly take root as bitterness, thereby further driving her daughter away and ruining her fragile relationship.}

Scenario B)

"It's ok honey, sometimes it takes us a long time to realize that we should listen to our parents. It's taken me over 49 years to realize how important it is to listen to my authorities. I know you feel bad enough as it is, and I'm sorry that it happened. You didn't mean to hurt those baby birds, you were just curious. They will be ok. But that doesn't mean it was ok to disobey. It's never ok to disobey. Let this be a lesson to you to listen to those that God puts in authority over you. Maybe God allowed this just to show you that you need help in this area of your life."

I wish I could say I chose Scenario B.

I began with Scenario A to the the point of hysterically going to my room and closing the door. It was then that the Lord spoke very clearly to my heart. He reminded me of the many times I had 'pulled the chair up to the nest'. And of the many times he lovingly showed me where I was wrong, and encouraged me to obey Him, for my own safety and good.

How many times have I chosen Scenario B in all my years of parenting? Not very many.

As God Faithfully heals my inadequacies and lovingly refines me into His Image, I am humbled and grateful for the way He continues to show Mercy and Grace to us, although, time after time, we reject His Love for us through pride and disobedience.
By the way, my husband and daughter gently placed the birds back in their nest (with a piece of bark), and Mommy and Daddy Wren are tending to them.

"Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows."Luke12:6&7

After the Lord spoke to my heart, I held my daughter and chose Scenario B. What Peace the Lord imparted as I obeyed His Voice.

"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Phl 4:7

"Lord, thank you, again, for Who you are and how You love me. Thank you for making a Way for everyone to receive forgiveness for sins and shortcomings through the substitutionary death of your Son Jesus Christ. Thank you for giving the Supreme Sacrifice so that we may be forgiven and live eternally with You!

Please help me each day to chose Your Way in all areas of life as I daily go to the Cross and long to live a Cross-driven life"


He's still working on me to make me what I ought to be.
It took Him just a week to make the moon and stars,
The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars.
How loving and patient He must be, He's still working on me.

There really ought to be a sign upon the heart,
Don't judge her yet, there's an unfinished part.
But I'll be perfect just according to His plan
Fashioned by the Master's loving hands.

In the mirror of His Word reflections that I see
Make me wonder why He never gave up on me.
He loves me as I am and helps me when I pray
Remember He's the Potter, I'm the clay.

1 comment:

  1. This is excellent. I have been choosing option A myself for 11 years. I am trying to change. I am tricky though and sometimes start off with B and slide into A or gussy up A so that it sort of appears like B, but it's not. I have read a good definition of sin: A self-centered failure to love or wrong relating. We sometimes don't take our tone, body language, anger, impatience and call it sin, therefore we keep doing it. But ANY wrong relating (shame, anger, pouting, whining, fussing) is sin. Thank you for this testimony. I hope I remember it.
