Monday, August 9, 2010

Created for a Purpose

Some things are made for one purpose and one purpose only. This lady salmon you see in the picture was made to swim from the ocean to freshwater (upstream) for the sole purpose of procreation.

As I ponder this message from our Pastor this evening, I can't help but ask myself, what is my purpose?

The message was clear... bear fruit. Make more Christians.

As I approach living in the latter part of one half century, I can't help but realize some facts of life. One thing stands out over all... just how long has it taken me to come to the realization that my sole purpose in this life is procreation...bearing fruit... making more Christians? I look ahead and realize that some of the best years have swiftly passed. Time to get busy with the remaining days, should the Lord tarry!!

"Lord, please help me to press forward and point others to you. Help me to show others how much you love them and remind me to pray daily for the lost. Help me to kneel at the cross as I continue seeking to live the cross driven life, for however many days you have planned for my life."

Kneel at the cross,
Christ will meet you there,
Come while He waits for you;
List to His voice,
Leave with Him your care
And begin life anew.

Kneel at the cross, (at the cross)
Leave (ev'ry care) ev'ry care;
Kneel at the cross (at the cross)
Jesus will meet you there. (meet you there)

Kneel at the cross,
There is room for all
Who would His glory share;
Bliss there awaits,
Harm can ne'er befall
Those who are anchored there.

Kneel at the cross, (at the cross)
Leave (ev'ry care) ev'ry care;
Kneel at the cross (at the cross)
Jesus will meet you there. (meet you there)

Kneel at the cross
Give your idols up,
Look unto realms above;
Turn not away
To Life's sparkling cup,
Trust only in His love.

Kneel at the cross, (at the cross)
Leave (ev'ry care) ev'ry care;
Kneel at the cross (at the cross)
Jesus will meet you there. (meet you there)