Thursday, July 15, 2010


CONFRONTATION. It was inevitable. There was no way around it. For the past several days it was obvious that I was right in the middle of the refiners fire. It was time for the Master to pull me out of the fire and see if the dross was gone. Would He see His reflection in me?

As much as I dreaded the confrontation, I almost welcomed it. After all, this may be the end of the seemingly endless days and nights of enemy attack, anguish and frustration. I already knew the LORD was working, so I may as well just yield to Him and allow Him to finish the job.

Since beginning this 30 day journaling challenge, God has used several methods to speak to me, His Word (The Bible), Family, Music, Sunday School Lessons, Preaching, Nature, etc.)

Today He seemed to be speaking to me through a very dear Christian sister and friend.

It is amazing to me how so often it seems that the very thing that the enemy intends for bad, the Lord makes for good in the end. Today was one of those times.

I am reminded of the story in Genesis chapters 37-50 of Joseph and how his brother's sold him into slavery..(intending bad). and how, time after time, God intervened and allowed Joseph to overcome so many so many obstacles that the devil intended to do what he does best... kill steal and destroy. When it was all over, said and done, Joseph actually ended up ruling over Egypt and taking care of his brothers.

"... ye thought evil against me; [but] God meant it unto good,.." Gen 50:20

After sharing our hearts, praying together and praising God for His good blessings on our lives, the Lord used my friend to help me remember that when I try and carry loads that simply may not be mine to carry, frustration will come. I can keep from those frustrations that keep me in bondage and from experiencing the Joy of the Lord by simply stating these five words:


I am so thankful that God does indeed use our trials to bring us into fellowship with Him. He so often uses people that we love the most to speak words of encouragement and truth into our lives at just the right time, so that we may overcome in these trials.

So, when we find ourselves taking on the problems of the universe... remember these words:


Aren't you glad you and I are not in control of the universe and God is the Ruler of all things? I am!

"Dear Lord, Thank you again for speaking to me. Thank you for putting other's in our lives to help us and point us to you. Please help me to remember these words when things seem to get overwhelming in my life. Help me to continue kneeling at the cross daily as I seek to live the Cross-driven life."

Purify my heart
Let me be as gold and precious silver
Purify my heart
Let me be as gold, pure gold

Refiners fire
My heart's one desire
Is to be holy
Set apart for You, Lord
I choose to be holy
Set apart for You, my Master
Ready to do Your will

Purify my heart
Cleanse me from within
And make me holy
Purify my heart
Cleanse me from my sin
Deep within

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